29.09.2016 /

ESGC 2016

The second edition of the Energy Storage Global Conference took place at the Arsenal, in Brussels, from 27 to 29 September 2016.

More than 220 delegates attended the Conference, which saw 49 speakers from the industry, research centres and international bodies from the electricity, renewables and storage sectors, as well as representatives from the European Commission, the European Parliament, and national administrations.

During the 3-day conference, experts from all over the world discussed the latest trends in a wide range of energy storage technologies, compared business cases, and assessed regulatory issues across segments and countries.

Dr Zucker, Scientific/Technical Projects Officer at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Mr Clerens, Secretary General of EASE, and Mr Raadschelders, Vice-President of EASE, summarised the main conclusions of the conference as follows:

  • The speakers unanimously agreed that energy storage will play a vital role in the future energy system which is undergoing important changes right now. Energy storage technologies are rapidly developing and are already commercially viable for a number of applications. It is now time for policymakers to catch up with these developments and create an enabling regulatory environment.
  • Defining ‘energy storage’ in the upcoming Energy Market Design legislation is, therefore, a top priority to clarify its role in the energy system and to increase investor confidence.
  • The Energy Market Design regulation also needs to address a number of barriers hampering the deployment of energy storage in Europe, such as undue tariffs and double-taxing of energy storage devices, unclear rules around the ownership of energy storage, and non-market based provision of ancillary services.
  • European policies for R&D in energy storage are using the right tools, but more funding is needed to reach the full potential of each energy storage technology, support continued upscaling and cost reductions, and encourage the emergence of new technologies in which European industries could become globally competitive.
  • The continued cooperation of all different stakeholders including industry, utilities and regulators is vitally important to implement storage successfully as a value-adding element in the future energy system.


Mr Maroš Šefčovič, Vice President of the European Commission in charge of Energy Union


Mr Dominique Ristori, Director-General for Energy at the European Commission

Ms Andreea Strachinescu, Head of Unit New Energy Technologies and Innovation in the Directorate General for Energy

Mr Michel Matheu, Head of Strategy in the European Affairs Division of Electricité de France (EDF)

Mr Matt Roberts, Executive Director of the Energy Storage Association (ESA)