Unifying the voices of hydropower in Europe

Continuing the work of HYDROPOWER EUROPE, the objective of the ETIP HYDROPOWER is the consolidation of the strong network of the HYDROPOWER EUROPE Forum into a sustainable association. ETIP HYDROPOWER will enhance and disseminate the RIA and SIR taking into consideration the future needs of the sector and the R&I targets and the emerging policy priorities. This will help to ensure that hydropower can play the vital role of a catalyst in the transition to a clean energy system and the achievement of climate neutrality by mid-century.

Built on the more than 600 stakeholders representing all sectors, who actively participated through the Hydropower Europe Forum, ETIP HYDROPOWER will further align and coordinate the industry RIA and SIR strategies to provide consensus-based strategic advice to the SET Plan covering analysis of market opportunities and R&I funding needs, biodiversity protection and ecological continuity. Another goal is, in one with Europe and the latest EU climate and energy related policies, deepening the understanding of innovation barriers and exploitation of research results.

EASE will lead WP4 on Strategic Actions, focusing on raising public awareness and hosting annual hydropower events in Brussels. EASE will also be responsible for refinement and subsequent implementation of the HYDROPOWER EUROPE Forum business plan.


Funding programme

Horizon Europe

Grant Agreement n°


Call Identifier



