April 2014 / Policy Papers - Responses to Public Consultations
Retail Energy Market
EASE has responded to the Public Consultation of DG Energy on the Retail Energy Market.
Future retail energy markets should take into consideration the following principles:
- goals of increased empowerment of the consumer in a competitive, sustainable and secure energy system should be primarily attained through instruments designed in a market oriented, non-discriminating and technology-neutral manner;
- In particular:
- energy storage constitutes a special and important asset of the complete energy value chain. Therefore the current and future levy structure should not hinder the integration of energy storage;
- the use of energy storage must be technologically neutral: each case must adopt the most suitable technological and economic solution. Therefore any wording in this regards must be open and not technically discriminatory;
- the main challenge is related to the value of energy storage, being it monetary or socio-economic, as it can deliver a number of strategic services both to the regulated and to the deregulated parts of the power industry. Therefore the operator of such devices may differ;
- energy storage will play an important role in new market designs, especially with regards to flexibility markets;
- specific storage regulation and market mechanisms for flexibility in combination with a new market design will help to create energy storage markets and will contribute to the development of a competitive energy storage industry in Europe.
EASE therefore calls for:
- a non-discriminatory consideration of and a fair treatment for energy storage alongside other measures, such as demand side management and the increase of interconnection capacity, when considering possible solutions for enhanced grid flexibility, stability and quality;
- a market design that allows specialised energy storage operators to emerge, as long as this does not trigger market distortion.