EASE submitted a response to the to ENTSO-E stakeholder consultation on the "All CE and Nordic TSOs’ results of CBA in accordance with Art.156(11) of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 of 2 August 2017" report.
May 2020 / Policy Papers - Responses to Public Consultations
Future EU Strategy for Smart Sector Integration
EASE submitted a response to the European Commission Public Consultation on Future EU Strategy for Smart Sector Integration.
EASE believes energy storage is a key instrument enabling a smart sector integration. In order to meet the climate objectives, while also guaranteeing secure and affordable energy for consumers, it is paramount to link up the energy system with other sectors and exploit the synergies enabled through an integrated energy system.
EASE submitted a response to the to ENTSO-E stakeholder consultation on the "All CE and Nordic TSOs’ results of CBA in accordance with Art.156(11) of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 of 2 August 2017" report.
The Electricity Market Design Reform (EMDR) tasked the DSO Entity and ENTSO-E with developing a methodology to analyse flexibility needs. A draft proposal of this methodology is currently under consultation before its submission to ACER for possible amendments and approval.
The EASE Secretariat prepared an analysis the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED III and RED III.5), which entered into force on 20 November 2023