21.12.2016 / News
Call for ETIPSNET Working Groups Candidates
The new European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) just launched its activities last week and is seeking experts to take an active part in five Working Groups. The Working Groups (WGs) will address matters such as: the reliability and efficiency of the smart grid system, storage and interface to other energy networks, flexibility of generation, digitalisation of the energy system and exploitation of research results.
The ETIP Working Groups are to ensure the involvement and contribution of all the stakeholders of the energy system as a whole, providing vision, inputs, guidance and continuous feedback for the development of the integrated R&I Roadmap. The WGs gather experts representing the widest community of stakeholders related to their area of expertise. Experts acting in the Working Groups aim at providing strategic guidance about RD&I priorities and activities, ensuring the interaction and involvement of the entire expertise needs raised by the integration issues of the electricity system into the wider European energy system. Experts contribute to the WG on a voluntary basis and no reimbursement of expenses is foreseen.
The 5 active working groups of the ETIP SNET are:
- WG1: Reliable, economic and efficient smart grid systems
- WG2: Storage technologies and sector interfaces
- WG3: Flexible generation
- WG4: Digitisation of the electricity system and customer participation
- WG5: Innovation implementation in the business environment
Deadline: Friday, 20.01.2017 at 17:00 (CET)