16.07.2020 /

Presidency and Executive Board Elections - November 2020

In September 2020, we will launch a call for candidatures for the Executive Board (2-year mandate, 2021-2022) and EASE Presidency team (comprising the President, 3 Vice Presidents, and Treasurer for a 3-year mandate, 2021-2023). Keep an eye out for the formal launch of the candidature procedure.

03.09.2020 /

Call for Candidates for the EASE Executive Board and Presidency Team

On 3 September 2020, the EASE Secretariat formally launched the call for candidates for the EASE Executive Board (2-year mandate, 2021-2022) and EASE Presidency team (comprising the President, 3 Vice Presidents, and Treasurer for a 3-year mandate, 2021-2023).

You can submit your candidatures by e-mail (addressed to p.clerens@ease-storage.eu and b.elzarei@ease-storage.eu) by Monday, 2 November (EOB).


Applications should include the following:

  • A motivation letter (no specific format required);
  • The candidate’s full contact details, including his or her position/title.
  • Indication of whether the candidature is for an Executive Board seat only, or an Executive Board seat and a Presidency position.

More information on the election procedure are available in the documents below.


16.07.2020 /

Presidency and Executive Board Elections - November 2020

In September 2020, we will launch a call for candidatures for the Executive Board (2-year mandate, 2021-2022) and EASE Presidency team (comprising the President, 3 Vice Presidents, and Treasurer for a 3-year mandate, 2021-2023). Keep an eye out for the formal launch of the candidature procedure.