
New Climate, Energy and Environmental Guidelines for State Aid

EASE has prepared a briefing on the Climate, Energy and Environmental Guidelines (CEEAG) for State aid. On the 27th January 2022, the new guidelines officially entered in force and will set out the criteria under which the European Commission will assess whether public aid may be authorised.

The new CEEAG represent a bold step forward: they move away from the approach of the previous Guideline by focusing on desired objectives, and all technologies that can deliver these objectives can be supported (but technology-specific auctions are still allowed).

The briefing provides a closer look at sections under which energy storage can be granted aid:

  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, including support for renewable; energy and energy efficiency
  • Energy performance of buildings;
  • Clean mobility;
  • Security of supply;
  • Energy infrastructure;
  • District heating and cooling infrastructure.

The aim is to future-proof the CEEAG and make them apt for the 2030 decarbonisation targets, with the overarching goal of harmonising State aid rules with energy policy and legislation. EASE is closely following the developments in the drafting of the new Regulation in order to monitor what is next for energy storage systems.
