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28/05/2018 @ 10:00 - 16:00

Informal Brainstorming Workshop on Energy Storage in the Grid Connection Network Codes

EASE is glad to host an Informal Brainstorming Workshop on Energy Storage in the Grid Connection Network Codes, taking place on 28 May 2018.

The workshop gives an opportunity for storage and network code experts to discuss whether energy storage should be covered by the grid connection network codes, what experiences there are in different Member States, and which aspects to consider to develop new grid code requirements for energy storage devices.

The workshop is open to all EASE members and external stakeholders who have an interest in this topic. Anyone is welcome to present their views; please contact Ms Elzarei, Senior Policy Officer at EASE at b.elzarei@ease-storage.eu.


10:00 - 16:00
Event categories
Events, EASE Event

