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28 May 2024 - 29 May 2024

Battery 2030+ 4th Annual Conference

EASE is glad to support Battery 2030+’s 4th Annual Conference on 28-29 May 2024, a two-day event full of insightful discussions on battery research!

BATTERY 2030+ is a European large-scale research initiative reinventing the way we invent batteries. The 4th Annual Conference will be held physically in Grenoble, giving you the opportunity to network with key stakeholders of the battery research community and engage in meaningful discussions to empower green innovation in this field! This Annual Conference will include presentations from industry (Verkor, Syensqo, Tiamat Energy and Novo), keynote presentations from Peter Bruce (University of Oxford) and Andreas Pfrang (JRC), activities for Young scientists, poster pitches and poster sessions as well as lots of networking opportunities! In addition, you will have the opportunity to visit the CEA labs covering Batteries, Nanocaracterisation and Modeling and Integration for Mobility as well as the European Synchrotron (ESRF).

The full programme is available here.
Participation fee: 50€ (incl. 10% VAT)

Register here! 


28 May 2024
29 May 2024
Event categories
Events, Supported Events