Helping the widespread adoption of electric vehicles in Europe.
Setting a EU vision for smart networks for energy transition.
Large-scale research initiative: at the heart of a connected green society.
Powering Europe in a sustainable way.
Empowering local energy communities.
INTegrated ENergy SYStem, a pathway for Europe.
More and better designed public support for energy technology research and innovation.
At the heart of a connected green society.
A holistic and scalable solution for research, innovation and education in energy transition.
Electric "Transmission and Storage Options" along TEN-E and TEN-T corridors for 2020.
Building an attractive European research and innovation ecosystem on batteries.
Advanced material solutions for safer and long-lasting high capacity Cobalt Free Batteries for stationary storage applications.
Market enabling interface to unlock flexibility solutions for cost-effective management of smarter distribution grids.
Cost effective technological developments for accelerating energy transition.