Policy Papers
Network Code on Electricity Balancing
EASE submitted a response to the ENTSO-E public consultation on the Network Code on Electricity Balancing. EASE welcomes the Network Code on Electricity Balancing as a tool to foster effective competition, non-discrimination and transparency in markets. However, EASE does use the opportunity of this public consultation to express some concerns about the points that we consider central in shaping the future balancing market
READ MOREGreen Paper on a 2030 framework for climate and energy policies
On 27 March 2013, the European Commission published a Green Paper presenting an overview of the issues that must be considered in the development of a 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy Policies. This Green Paper served as the basis of a stakeholder consultation on the development thereof.
READ MOREFacilitate Energy Storage Development and Deployment in Europe
EASE responded to a public consultation on how to facilitate electricity storage development and deployment in the EU in the framework of the THINK project proposing a dynamic communication role as a knowledge pool by gathering information related to existing facilities, and facilitating the exchange of information related to operating conditions of existing pilot projects.