Policy Papers

January 2022

Joint Industry Position Paper on the Batteries Regulation: More Consideration Needed on the Global Battery Market’s Diversity

11 industry associations covering the entire batteries value chain express their concerns about key elements in the ongoing debates in the European Parliament and the Council on the Batteries Regulation proposal, and provide recommendations for achieving shared goals. 

November 2021

Energy Taxation Directive to Support EU Decarbonisation Targets

EASE welcomes the recast Energy Taxation Directive, which goes in the right direction by making it possible to consider energy storage facilities as redistributors so to avoid double taxation. More ambitious steps are needed however, such as basing minimum tax rates on carbon content of the energy product, setting enforceable rules to phase-out double taxation in all Member States, and ensuring system integration is incentivised through favourable rates.

September 2021

Third Gas Package Revision: EASE Proposals for a Decarbonised Gas Market

The European Commission announced in its 2021 Working Programme that the Third Gas Package will be revised to regulate competitive decarbonised gas markets: EASE believes that energy storage solutions as Hydrogen and Power-to-Gas will play a key role in the transition of the gas system, and sees the proposed revision as a great opportunity to enhance sector integration as well as the deployment of renewable carbon gases.

September 2021

Reply to the Public Consultation on All Continental Europe TSOs Proposal

EASE has provided a response to ENTSO-E Public Consultation on the All Continental Europe TSO’s proposal to determine a minimum activation time period required for limited energy reservoirs to remain available during alert state in accordance with Article 156(11) of the SO GL. Although several flaws in the methodology have been detected, EASE has suggested reasessment of the methodology to enhance the proposal.

August 2021

Energy Storage Technologies are Essential to Decarbonisation: Revision of the Climate, Energy and Environmental Aid Guidelines

EASE welcomes the revision of the Climate, Energy and Environmental Aid Guidelines to align the State aid framework with the EU’s ambitious decarbonisation targets and the European Green Deal. With the revision of the EEAG, the EU seeks to address challenge of ensuring a clear framework that supports decarbonisation in a cost-effective manner while maintaining competition and fair trade.

June 2021

Energy Storage in the Renewable Energy Directive III

EASE welcomes EU policymakers’ efforts to revise the Renewable Energy Directive II (RED II) as part of the ‘Fit for 55’ package, expected July 2021. Accelerating the deployment of renewable energy sources (RES) is essential to achieve the EU’s ambitious goals of a 55% GHG emissions reduction by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2050.

June 2021

EASE Reply to the Revision of the Hydrogen and Gas Market Decarbonisation Package

EASE has provided a reply to the European Commission’s Public Consultation on the revision of the EU gas networks rules on market access addressing the Hydrogen and Gas Market Decarbonisation Package. EASE is preparing a response to this consultation to improve the Hydrogen and Gas Market Directive and Regulation proposal in a way that is favourable to the energy storage sector.

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