Policy Papers
The Electricity Market Design Revision

EASE has finalised a paper on the upcoming electricity market design revision, highlighting how energy storage can enable a carbon-neutral future. More than ever, energy independence, security of supply, sector integration, and decarbonisation are guiding policymakers’ actions. EASE identifies a list of changes as needed to ensure a renewable-based and secure energy system.
READ MORE2024 Ten-Year Network Development Plan Framework Guidelines

EASE has prepared a reply to the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)’s Public Consultation. The process has commenced for the current cycle of the Ten-Year Network Development Plan, the pan-European electricity infrastructure development plan, developed jointly by ENTSO-E and ENTSOG.
READ MOREThe Way Forward for Energy Storage Grid Fees

EASE has prepared a general overview and the best practices across member states, when looking at the way forward for energy storage grid fees. Energy storage doesn’t receive the same treatment across the European Union as far as grid fees go: different technologies, different location (behind-the-meter vs front of the meter), have to face a variety of tariff structures, often not consistent with the EU-level rules as set by the Electricity Market Regulation.
READ MORERenewable Energy Projects: Permit-Granting Processes & Power Purchase Agreements

EASE has responded to the European Commission's Public Consultation on 'Renewable Energy Projects - Permit-Granting Processes & Power Purchase Agreements . This initiative aims to facilitate renewable energy production projects. It will focus on the key barriers to implementing renewable energy projects and outline good practices addressing the identified barriers and good practices to facilitate power-purchase agreements, including across borders.
READ MOREHydrogen and Decarbonised Gas markets Package

EASE has responded to the European Commission's Public Consultation on the proposal for ‘Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas markets’ Package. This Package, consisting of a review of the Gas Regulation and of the Gas Directive, aims to decarbonise gas consumption, and puts forward policy measures required for supporting the creation of optimum and dedicated infrastructure, as well as efficient markets.
READ MOREOptimising Energy Use: How Energy Storage Can Support European Energy Reduction Needs

Unleashing Flexibility Needs: How Energy Storage Can Make or Break the Case for Renewables

EASE has prepared a position paper on the Renewable Energy Directive Revision (REDIII) highlighting the great opportunity this review offers in terms of speeding up decarbonisation efforts in the energy system. EASE believes energy storage can be fostered through RED III in multiple ways.