Policy Papers

July 2017

EASE Thermal Storage Position Paper

EASE published its position paper “Thermal Energy Storage” (TES), highlighting the role of TES in supporting the energy transition. EASE proposes three concrete short-term actions that can further leverage the actions proposed by the Commission in the “Clean Energy for All Europeans” Package.

May 2017

EASE Recommendations on Sectoral Integration Through Power-to-Gas/Power-to-Liquid

EASE published its recommendations on Sectoral Integration Through Power-to-Gas/Power-to-Liquid (PtG/PtL) that would help in overcoming key regulatory barriers that are still blocking developments in the PtG and PtL sectors.

May 2017

EASE Position on Energy Storage Deployment Hampered by Grid Charges

EASE published its position paper “Energy Storage Deployment Hampered by Grid Charges”, which highlights the significant differences in grid charges across countries to which large-scale pumped hydro storage (PHS) power plants are exposed today.

May 2016

Cost Benefit Analysis Methodology (CBA 2.0)

EASE submitted a response to ENTSO-E’s public consultation on the next European Cost Benefit Analysis Methodology. The modelling of Energy Storage projects in the CBA 2.0 seems to rely on strong simplifications, which may hamper a true assessment of the benefits of some Energy Storage plants.

May 2016

A Comprehensive, Integrated Research, Innovation, and Competitiveness Strategy for the Energy Union

EASE submitted a response to DG Research and Innovation’s public consultation on the development of a comprehensive, integrated Research, Innovation, and Competitiveness Strategy for the Energy Union. One of the most urgent challenges for research and innovation to support the low-carbon transformation is achieving the full deployment of Energy Storage.

February 2016

Renewable Energy Directive for the period after 2020

EASE submitted a response to DG Energy's Public Consultation on the Preparation of a new Renewable Energy Directive for the period after 2020. EASE calls for subsidies for mature renewable technologies to be eliminated and for market-based regulation, which allows for a non-discriminatory access to technologies.

December 2015

Heat and Cold Storage

EASE appreciates the increasing interest in the electrification of heating and cooling and the storage of heat and cold by help of different storage technologies. Therefore EASE is convinced that the potential role must be explicitly described and the current regulatory barriers must be highlighted to allow the full potential of this technology to be made use of.

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