Policy Papers

February 2016

Renewable Energy Directive for the period after 2020

EASE submitted a response to DG Energy's Public Consultation on the Preparation of a new Renewable Energy Directive for the period after 2020. EASE calls for subsidies for mature renewable technologies to be eliminated and for market-based regulation, which allows for a non-discriminatory access to technologies.

December 2015

Heat and Cold Storage

EASE appreciates the increasing interest in the electrification of heating and cooling and the storage of heat and cold by help of different storage technologies. Therefore EASE is convinced that the potential role must be explicitly described and the current regulatory barriers must be highlighted to allow the full potential of this technology to be made use of.

December 2015

Renewable Energy Strategy

EASE submitted a response to the public consultation to help prepare a communication to inform the EU's renewable energy policy for the period post 2020. This complements a communication on the Internal Energy Market which will also help inform the evolution of the EU's wider energy policies following on from the Energy 2050 Roadmap.

December 2015

Energy Storage: a Decarbonisation Enabler EASE Paper in the framework of the COP21

In December 2015, the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP 21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) takes place in Paris, France. In this framework, EASE would like to present a paper to highlight the importance of Energy Storage as a Decarbonisation Enabler as well as the challenges ahead of us.

October 2015

Energy Roadmap 2050

EASE members welcome the European Commission’s Energy Roadmap 2050 of 15 December 2011, particularly as this communication recognises the vital role of storage technologies for a progressively decarbonised European energy system.


October 2015

Network Code on Load-Frequency Control and Reserves

EASE commented the LFCR Network Code from 28.06.13, in particular Article 45.6 concerning Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR). EASE recommends that technical rules and potential market designs regarding ancillary services should be shaped in such way that, without discrimination, every energy storage technology meeting the actual requirements must be eligible to participate.

October 2015

Market Design

EASE submitted a response to DG Energy's Public Consultation on a new Energy Market Design. EASE would like to stress that the future governance framework of the Internal Energy Market needs to incorporate regulatory changes creating a separate asset category and rules for electricity energy storage systems.

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