Policy Papers

October 2015

Network Code on Load-Frequency Control and Reserves

EASE commented the LFCR Network Code from 28.06.13, in particular Article 45.6 concerning Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR). EASE recommends that technical rules and potential market designs regarding ancillary services should be shaped in such way that, without discrimination, every energy storage technology meeting the actual requirements must be eligible to participate.

October 2015

Market Design

EASE submitted a response to DG Energy's Public Consultation on a new Energy Market Design. EASE would like to stress that the future governance framework of the Internal Energy Market needs to incorporate regulatory changes creating a separate asset category and rules for electricity energy storage systems.

September 2015

Heating and Cooling Strategy

EASE participated to the Heating and Cooling Forum organised by the European Commission. EASE has some comments and concerns and will outline high level comments on the series of five Issue Papers. Additional and more specific input was provided directly on the Issue Papers II to V in track change mode or comments.

April 2015

Network Code on Emergency and Restoration

EASE submitted a response to ACER’s call for comments on the Network Code on Emergency and Restoration. EASE, the European Association for Storage of Energy, calls for a level playing field for all the services energy storage can render to the system.

April 2014

Retail Energy Market

EASE submitted a response to the Public Consultation of DG Energy on the Retail Energy Market. EASE calls for a non-discriminatory consideration of and a fair treatment for energy storage alongside other measures.

February 2014

Draft Guidelines on environmental and energy aid for 2014-2020

EASE submitted a response to the Public Consultation Paper of the Services of DG Competition containing Draft Guidelines on environmental and energy aid for 2014-2020. EASE welcomes the draft Guidelines on environmental and energy aid for 2014-2020 and also takes this opportunity to provide feedback, offer expertise and ask for a level playing field for all energy storage technologies in a constructive dialogue with the European Commission (EC).

August 2013

Network Code on Electricity Balancing

EASE submitted a response to the ENTSO-E public consultation on the Network Code on Electricity Balancing. EASE welcomes the Network Code on Electricity Balancing as a tool to foster effective competition, non-discrimination and transparency in markets. However, EASE does use the opportunity of this public consultation to express some concerns about the points that we consider central in shaping the future balancing market

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