Policy Papers

February 2021

The Revision of the Renewable Energy Directive: An Opportunity to Increase the EU’s Renewables Ambitions and Accelerate Energy Storage Deployment

EASE has provided its reply to the European Commission’s public consultation on the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive. The revision of the recast Renewable Energy Directive is essential in order to achieve the target of at least 55% greenhouse gas emissions reduction compared to 1990 levels.

February 2021

EASE Reply to the European Commission Public Consultation on the Revision of the Directive on Intelligent Transport Systems

EASE took part in the public consultation on Directive 2010/40/EU (The ITS Directive). Intelligent Transport Systems help to significantly improve road safety, traffic efficiency and comfort, and contribute to the increase of multimodality options to improve mobility management. Their deployment can make an important contribution to the Commission priorities, in particular the European Green Deal and making Europe fit for the digital age.

January 2021

EASE Reply to the Public Consultation for the Revision of the Guidelines on State Aid for Environmental Protection and Energy

EASE took part in the European Commission Public Consultation for the Revision of the Guidelines on State Aid for Environmental Protection and Energy 2014-2020. EASE supports updating the Guidelines to achieve a normative framework that is aligned with the EU’s ambitious decarbonisation targets and the European Green Deal more broadly.

December 2020

EASE Inputs to the Public Consultation on Sustainable Finance

EASE submitted its inputs to European Commission Public Consultation on Sustainable Finance. EASE calls for a careful revision of the draft criteria related to energy storage, hydropower and PHS, particularly the categorisation of different types of PHS, to ensure a fact-based approach that recognises the important contribution of energy storage including PHS to the energy transition.

November 2020

Conclusions on EASE Reply to the European Commission Public Consultation on the Revision of the Energy Taxation Directive

EASE submitted a response to the European Commission Public Consultation on the Revision of the Energy Taxation Directive welcoming the revision of the Energy Taxation Directive and identifying a list of recommendations relevant for energy storage sector.

October 2020

Open Letter on the Revision of the TEN-E Regulation

EASE put forward recommendations on how the TEN-E Regulation should be significantly revised to better address the challenges and seize the opportunities in light of the European Union’s decarbonisation strategy.

September 2020

Response to the European Commission Public Consultation on the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy

EASE submitted a response to the European Commission Public Consultation on the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy outlining the need for an EU strategy that appropriately value the role of energy storage in relation to mobility.

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