May 2012 / Policy Papers - Responses to Public Consultations
Facilitate Energy Storage Development and Deployment in Europe
THINK is an FP7-financed project that advised the European Commission (DG Energy) on a diverse set of energy policy topics (June 2010 until May 2013).
EASE responded to a public consultation on Topic 8: "Electricity Storage: how to facilitate its development and deployment in the EU?".
In this report, EASE is proposed to adopt a dynamic communication role as a knowledge pool:
- by gathering information related to existing commercial or pilot & demonstration facilities in EU member states;
- by facilitating the exchange of information related to operating conditions of existing pilot projects.
An energy storage road mapping exercise up to 2050 is proposed. It should take into consideration both centralised and decentralised energy storage based on intermediate milestones (2020, 2030 and 2040).
The European Electricity Grid Initiative (EEGI) is identified as the primary actor to carry out the task.