Policy Papers
Implementing Act on Non-Price Criteria for Renewable Energy Auctions

EASE reply to the European Commission’s Public Consultation and Call for Evidence Feedback on proposal for a Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) Implementing Act aiming at further specifying non-price criteria for renewable energy auctions.
READ MOREThe European Union’s Energy Security Architecture

EASE reply to European Commission’s Public Consultation on the EU’s energy security architecture, highlights energy storage as key to a secure and resilient energy transition.
READ MOREThe European Union's Flexibility Needs Assessment Methodology

The Electricity Market Design Reform (EMDR) tasked the DSO Entity and ENTSO-E with developing a methodology to analyse flexibility needs. A draft proposal of this methodology is currently under consultation before its submission to ACER for possible amendments and approval.
READ MOREIntroduction of Voluntary Templates for Power Purchase Agreement Contracts in the EU Energy Market

EASE reply to Public Consultation to ACER on the introduction of voluntary templates for power purchase agreement contracts in the EU energy market.
READ MOREGuiding Principles to Develop an EU Methodology to Assess Flexibility Needs

EASE position paper on guiding principles to develop an AFN methodology which aims to ensure that energy storage technologies are properly taken into account in the methodology.
READ MOREUpdated Input Data and Assumptions for the Cost-Benefit Analysis for Limited Energy Reservoirs

EASE reply to ENTSO-E public consultation on the updated input data and assumptions for the Cost-Benefit Analysis for the definition of a minimum activation time period (Tmin) for Limited Energy Reservoirs (LER) in Continental Europe Synchronous Area.
READ MORENational Energy and Climate Plans

EASE has compiled analyses of measures for energy storage in the draft updated NECPs to point out their strengths and weaknesses, based upon the Commission’s Recommendations for Energy Storage.