Press Releases

14 November 2017

Financing Energy Storage Will Be Key to the Efficiency of the Energy Transition

On 8 November 2017, EASE organised in Brussels its first Energy Storage Investor Workshop. More than 50 delegates from all across Europe and worldwide attended the workshop.

06 November 2017

EASE-EERA Energy Storage Technology Development Roadmap presented to European Commission

On 18 October 2017, the European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) and the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) presented the updated EASE-EERA Energy Storage Technology Development Roadmap to the European Commission at a launch event attended by key stakeholders from across the energy sector.

04 September 2017

EASE’s 3 Key Actions to Boost Thermal Energy Storage

EASE has published its Position Paper on Thermal Energy Storage (TES), which highlights the role of TES in supporting the energy transition.

08 June 2017

EASE Recommendations on Sectoral Integration Through Power-to-Gas/Power-to-Liquid

EASE has published its position paper “EASE Recommendations on Sectoral Integration Through Power-to-Gas/Power-to-Liquid".

30 May 2017

EASE Calls for Coordinated Approach to Defining Grid Tariffs for Energy Storage

EASE has published its position paper “Energy Storage Deployment Hampered by Grid Charges” calling for a coordinated approach to defining grid tariffs for storage that recognises its alleviative effects on grid constraints and grid extension costs, while contributing to reduced curtailment of CO2 free electricity generation.

11 May 2017

Energy storage to play key role in the biggest project funded by the CEF fund 2016

EASE is pleased to announce that the project TSO 2020: Electric “Transmission and Storage Options” along TEN E and TEN T corridors for 2020 has been selected for funding through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funding instrument.

06 February 2017

EU Commission Outlines Four Principles on the Way Forward for Energy Storage

EASE welcomes the Commission Staff Working Document on Energy Storage, which complements the “Clean Energy for All Europeans” Package issued in end-November 2016 and provides a valuable contribution to the policy debate.

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