Press Releases

20 October 2021

Energy Storage to Tackle the Recent Gas Price Spikes: Further Ambition is Required

Recently, European countries have seen an unexpected and strong surge in gas prices. Price spikes have caused numerous problems affecting industry and society. The Commission came out with a "toolbox" to tackle these issues where it highlighted storage as one solution. The Press Release argues why this is important and what more needs to be done to allow storage to protect Europe against any future disruptions.

14 July 2021

Fit for 55: a Valuable Opportunity to Support Energy Storage Deployment

EASE welcomes the publication of the EU’s ‘Fit for 55’ Package: 13 legislative proposals aimed at accelerating efforts to meet the EU’s target of 55% greenhouse gas emissions reductions by 2030 and net-zero emissions by 2050. The Package is a prime opportunity to build on the ‘Clean Energy Package’ and implement more ambitious policies that put energy storage front and centre in the EU’s decarbonisation strategy.

18 June 2021

Recovery and Resilience Facility: Too Little Attention and Funding for Energy Storage Solutions

13 energy storage associations raise concern about lack of funding for energy storage in Recovery and Resilience Plans

23 March 2021

EMMES 5.0: Total Annual Energy Storage Market in Europe Expected to Reach 3,000 MWh in 2021

On 23 March 2021, EASE and Delta-EE launch the fifth edition of the European Market Monitor on Energy Storage (EMMES). The report reveals the effects of the pandemic on the energy storage market, with lockdown affecting commercial and industrial and behind-the-meter segments, while front-of-meter projects proved more resilient. Looking ahead, 2021 looks particularly strong for the sector with new ancillary services opening across Europe and national targets further supporting regional projects.

19 November 2020

Mr David Post, Enel X, Elected as EASE President Starting 1 January 2021

On 18 November 2020, EASE General Assembly elected Mr David Post, Head of Energy Storage Solutions at Enel X, to serve as the new EASE President. Mr Post is an expert in business development for renewable, conventional energy and energy storage projects and previously occupied the position of EASE Vice-President and served as head of the association’s Technology and Value Assessment Committee.

03 April 2020

European Industry and Research Organisations Call for Continued Climate Ambitions

EASE, together with the European industry and research organisations RECHARGE Batteries, AVERE - The European Association for Electromobility, Cycling Industries Europe, EMIRI and BATTERY 2030 published a joint statement calling upon policymakers at European and national level to continue to demonstrate their climate leadership ambitions amid the global COVID-19 crisis.

23 March 2020

EMMES 4.0 - Regulatory Uncertainty and Market Saturation Slow Energy Storage Growth

On 23 March 2020 the EASE and Delta-ee have published the fourth edition of the European Market Monitor on Energy Storage - EMMES 4.0 – the definitive guide for the European energy storage market.

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