Press Releases

13 September 2016

Towards a New Energy Market Design: the European Parliament supports energy storage

EASE welcomes the adoption of the ITRE Report “Towards a New Energy Market Design”, proposed by MEP Werner Langen (EPP, DE). It was approved today by the European Parliament in its plenary session in Strasbourg with 454 votes in favour and can be seen as a clear sign that energy storage should play a major role in this new framework.

12 July 2016

EASE Vice-President elected Vice Chairman of EU Research Platform for Smart Networks

EASE is happy to announce that the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks for the Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) nominated Mr Thierry Le Boucher, EASE Vice President, EDF, as one of its two Vice Chairmen.

04 December 2015

Energy Storage: a Decarbonisation Enabler

In the framework of the COP21, EASE would like to present a paper to highlight the importance of Energy Storage as a Decarbonisation Enabler as well as the challenges ahead of us.

15 July 2015

Towards a Fair Market Design for Energy Storage and a New Deal for Energy Consumers

EASE supports the Market Reforms proposed by the European Commission.

11 February 2015


EASE is part of a consortium supporting the European Commission in defining an integrated R&D strategy in smart grids and energy storage.

01 January 2015

Dr Klaus Peter Röttgen (E.ON) takes over EASE presidency on January 1st 2015

Three years after the creation of the European Association for Storage of Energy, the presidency is renewed for the first time.

16 December 2014

Successful closing of First Energy Storage Global Conference

On 19-21 November 2014, EASE organised the first Energy Storage Global Conference in Paris, together with ESA and ATEE-CSE , DG Joint Research Centre and DG Energy and Sandia National Laboratories. Over 150 delegates attended the conference, including 40 speakers from the European Commission, the National Administrations, Industry, Research Centres and other National & International bodies.

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