July 2013 / Activity Reports

EASE Activity Report 2011-2012

June 2014 / Activity Reports

EASE Activity Report 2013

Energy Storage is playing a more and more prominent role, and so is EASE. This is reflected by two additional members joining in 2013, with several more potential members in the process of joining. The strengths of EASE are both internal as well as external. The large panoply of technologies and their applications in the energy chain represented amongst its 34 members gives EASE a holistic understanding of the Energy Storage sector. The Technology Descriptions are one of the products of this diversity. In addition, the association has demonstrated a strong structural flexibility through its constant adaptations to the realities in the sector, i.e. in its reorganisation of the committees and the creation of new Working Groups and Task Forces

It is this rich and close coordination between EASE, its members and other organisations that gives EASE the tools to help others to identify and understand the realities and stakes of the Energy Storage sector. This is also why EASE has turned, over the last two years, into the indispensable voice for Energy Storage in Europe.

July 2013 / Activity Reports

EASE Activity Report 2011-2012
