Current News

24 June 2021

Interview with Michael Lippert: EASE Vice-President Reflecting on the Association's Impact on Energy Storage in Europe

On 18 November 2020, The European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) General Assembly elected Mr Michael Lippert, Director of Innovations and Solutions for Energy at Saft, to serve his 3rd term as the EASE Vice-President. Mr Lippert is currently in charge of product and market strategy for Saft’s Energy Storage Systems Business Unit. 

15 June 2021

Two Years after the Adoption of the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package: What Progress has been Made for Storage?

The Clean Energy for All Europeans Package (CEP), finalised in June 2019, made history as the biggest ever package of EU energy legislation to date. The CEP promised to transform the EU energy market design, updating key provisions to pave the way for more renewables and flexibility in the system and to empower consumers to play an active role.  

26 May 2021

Easying the Integration of Renewables in Greece: Discover the Work of Piritium SA

Piritium SA is permitting additional energy storage installations in order to be ready to support, in the most efficient way, the forthcoming energy transition in Greece once the new regulatory framework is in place. Discover more about the work of the newest member of the association.

19 May 2021

EU-funded project HEROES kicked off in May 2021

The EU-funded project “Hybrid EneRgy stOragE Stations” (HEROES) has officially kicked off on 1st May 2021. HEROES aims at supporting the increased uptake of electric vehicles in Europe, thanks to the development and implementation of more efficient charging stations.

10 May 2021

Increase System Efficiency Through Demand-Side Flexibility of End-Users

EASE, together with 16 European business organisations, calls Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal, and  Kadri Simson, Energy Commissioner,  to increase system efficiency through the activation of the demand-side flexibility of end-users in the Fit for 55 Package.

15 April 2021

EU Funding Explained: A Webinar Series to Help you Navigate the World of EU Funding

EASE is launching its members-only webinar series to help you navigate the complex world of EU funding!

Over the course of five webinars, the EASE Secretariat, in collaboration with CLERENS, will present the different EU funding programmes with a focus on opportunities for the energy storage sector.

31 March 2021

Interview with David Post: Expectations and Projects of the new EASE President

On 18 November 2020, EASE General Assembly elected Mr David Post, Head of Energy Storage Solutions at Enel X, to serve as the new EASE President. Mr Post is an expert in business development for renewable, conventional energy and energy storage projects and previously occupied the position of EASE Vice-President and served as head of the association’s Technology and Value Assessment Committee.