Current News

01 February 2021

2020: A Key Year for the Future of Energy Storage in Europe

2020 was a significant year for energy storage policy, as the European Commission, European Parliament, and many other stakeholders took an active interest for the sector. This was especially clear when it came to the European Green Deal, the ambitious plan from the new EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to accelerate the transition to a net-zero emissions energy system by 2050.

25 January 2021

Lessons Learned in 2020: Flexibility in Time of Crisis

Going into 2020, we decided to take energy storage to the next level with the support of our members. With a bigger Secretariat than ever before, we started 2020 eager to ramp up our activities and better serve the growing EASE membership. It was to be our most productive year yet, full meetings, and networking with policymakers and EASE members.

18 January 2021

Welcome on Board Xtralis

According to EASE newest member, Xtralis, "one of the most important ways to solve our energy issues is to store more energy. If that can be done in a safe and reliable way, society will benefit as a whole. [...] Keeping energy storage safe and secure will promote the energy transition and help achieve the transformations required by governments across the globe much more quickly".

15 December 2020

Welcome to BEPA: The Batteries European Partnership Association

The Batteries European Partnership Association (BEPA) was officially launched on 14 December 2020. The newly created association counts 137 members from the European battery community, willing to contribute to the ambitious upcoming Research & Innovation Partnership on Batteries under Horizon Europe, the next Framework programme for Research and Innovation of the European Union.

09 December 2020

A Path to Creating a Sustainable, Smart and Resilient Mobility System

Green and digital transitions will drastically reshape the mobility sector. EASE fully supports the comprehensive set of measures that the European Commission is putting forward a to put the European Union on the path to creating a sustainable, smart and resilient mobility system.

08 December 2020

Identifying Battery Research Needs for the EU: Batteries Europe Publishes its Strategic Research Agenda

The European Technology and Innovation Platform on Batteries - Batteries Europe has published its Strategic Research Agenda, an essential document by the Platform which aims to steer research priorities for the European battery value chain.

24 November 2020

TSO2020 Holds A Policy Roundtable to Discuss Policy Recommendations Around Hydrogen Deployment

On 19 November 2020, EASE has organised an online Roundtable moderated by journalist Sonja Van Renssen focused on large-scale hydrogen deployment across the EU as part of the TSO2020 project.