04.02.2022 / News
Call for More Energy Storage Provisions in Fit for 55
EASE, together with 10 other European and national associations, representing key energy stakeholders across the EU, calls on European legislators to support more provisions for long duration energy storage needed in the Delivering the European Green Deal package. To achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, all electricity generation must be decarbonised, as the hard-to-abate sectors cannot decarbonise as fast. This means that far more renewables need to be introduced into the energy system, leading to less back-up power from fossil fuel plants. Energy storage has a fundamental role to play in the clean energy transition, ensuring that more renewable energy can be introduced into the grid.
The joint letter call for the following provisions in the Delivering the European Green Deal package:
- More favourable legal framework for the large-scale deployment of energy storage solutions across all EU Member States.
- Increasing funding opportunities for not only short-term storage, but also long-term storage solutions. For the moment, mainly short-term energy storage, often Lithium-Ion, is in the focus of the funding.
Installing more long-term storage will also allow for significant savings in investment needed for our energy transmission infrastructure. This will keep electricity prices more stable and more affordable for the European end users. Large investments in energy infrastructure are needed for the energy transition, with capital flowing away from fossil fuels and toward clean power and other climate solutions.