April 2014 / Policy Papers - Responses to Public Consultations

Retail Energy Market

EASE submitted a response to the Public Consultation of DG Energy on the Retail Energy Market. EASE calls for a non-discriminatory consideration of and a fair treatment for energy storage alongside other measures.

April 2015 / Policy Papers - Responses to Public Consultations

Network Code on Emergency and Restoration

EASE responded to ACER’s call for comments on the Network Code on Emergency and Restoration.

Key messages

EASE, the European Association for Storage of Energy, calls for a level playing field for all the services energy storage can render to the system:

  • through a definition that recognises energy storage as an own asset class in all electricity related regulations and that does not restrict its application to system balancing only;
  • through the recognition of energy storage not only as a load but also as a power source capable to contribute to the Frequency Deviation management procedure;
  • through a non-discriminatory consideration of and a fair treatment for energy storage at national level alongside other measures.
April 2014 / Policy Papers - Responses to Public Consultations

Retail Energy Market

EASE submitted a response to the Public Consultation of DG Energy on the Retail Energy Market. EASE calls for a non-discriminatory consideration of and a fair treatment for energy storage alongside other measures.
