September 2015 / Policy Papers - Responses to Public Consultations

Heating and Cooling Strategy

EASE participated to the Heating and Cooling Forum organised by the European Commission. EASE has some comments and concerns and will outline high level comments on the series of five Issue Papers. Additional and more specific input was provided directly on the Issue Papers II to V in track change mode or comments.

October 2015 / Policy Papers - Responses to Public Consultations

Market Design

EASE responded to DG Energy's Public Consultation on a new Energy Market Design.

EASE would like to stress that the future governance framework of the Internal Energy Market needs to incorporate regulatory changes creating a separate asset category and rules for electricity energy storage systems. This is necessary due to their dual generation and demand nature. The new asset category should recognise the contribution energy storage systems will make to system security, loss reduction and the provision of other ancillary services on the transmission and distribution networks.

In terms of regulatory oversight and the future role of Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), EASE thinks the procurement of ancillary services and the way tariffs for transmission network use of system charges are estimated and applied, must also be made transparent across Europe to provide the right investment signals for providers of flexibility (i.e. energy storage and demand side response operators).

September 2015 / Policy Papers - Responses to Public Consultations

Heating and Cooling Strategy

EASE participated to the Heating and Cooling Forum organised by the European Commission. EASE has some comments and concerns and will outline high level comments on the series of five Issue Papers. Additional and more specific input was provided directly on the Issue Papers II to V in track change mode or comments.
