March 2013 / Reports and Studies

EASE/EERA Energy Storage Technology Development Roadmap towards 2030

EASE and EERA have joined their knowledge to produce a comprehensive Roadmap describing the future European needs for energy storage in the period towards 2020-2030. The Roadmap also gives recommendations on the developments required to meet those needs.

June 2013 / Reports and Studies

Contribution of EASE to ENTSO-E's Cost-Benefit Analysis methodology for Energy Storage

ENTSO-E is preparing the future Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) in view of the entering into force of the new European Regulation on guidelines for the implementation of European energy infrastructure priorities in 2013. ENTSO-E has to deliver a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) methodology in order to:

  • Produce a system-wide CBA, allowing the assessment of all TYNDP projects in a homogeneous way;
  • Assess all the electricity projects of common interest (PCIs);
  • If required, provide information for cost allocation and incentive/grants for the PCIs process.

ENTSO-E has asked EASE to provide insights on a CBA for storage projects in order to be able to integrate storage projects next to transmission projects in the CBA of the TYNDP. Therefore, the focus will only be on energy storage projects that are reaching the threshold size of 225 MW1. Any electricity storage connected at the distribution level and mediumsized electricity storage connected at the transmission level is thus excluded from the scope of this document.

March 2013 / Reports and Studies

EASE/EERA Energy Storage Technology Development Roadmap towards 2030

EASE and EERA have joined their knowledge to produce a comprehensive Roadmap describing the future European needs for energy storage in the period towards 2020-2030. The Roadmap also gives recommendations on the developments required to meet those needs.
