16.07.2019 / News
BatteRIes Europe: 200 Stakeholders to Ensure Transition to a Climate-Neutral EU
Over 200 battery stakeholders from all over Europe, as well as national and regional representatives from Member States and EU institutions, attended the BatteRIes Europe launch event on 25 June 2019.
As BatteRIes Europe's project partner, EASE moderated a panel discussion on the R&I needs for Europe in the battery field. Mr Patrick Clerens, EASE Secretary General, also introduced the keynote speech of the Vice-President of the European Commission Maroš Šefčovič, who stressed the relevance of BatteRIes Europe for reaching the EU’s decarbonisation goals and stressed the support of the European Commission.

BatteRIes Europe is the new European Technology and Innovation Platform on Batteries, aimed at fostering research, innovation and knowledge sharing across the European battery value chain, engaging a broad range of stakeholders from industry, research and associations, along with European and National regulatory and funding authorities. Its function is to be the driver of the R&I ecosystem by linking battery research initiatives and stakeholders networks to create synergies for batteries in Europe, building a competitive value chain. Batteries Europe will gravitate around six Working Groups and a National and Regional Coordination Group, led by a Secretariat of partner institutions and the Commission.
The event was a good opportunity for Working Groups to initiate and set in motion an action plan for the next 6 and 12 months. Their work will continue in the next years, supported by the National and Regional Coordination Group as well as the Secretariat and the EU Commission, and will play a very significant role on the contribution of batteries to the decarbonisation of the EU energy system.