EASE welcomes the revision of the Climate, Energy and Environmental Aid Guidelines to align the State aid framework with the EU’s ambitious decarbonisation targets and the European Green Deal. With the revision of the EEAG, the EU seeks to address challenge of ensuring a clear framework that supports decarbonisation in a cost-effective manner while maintaining competition and fair trade.
September 2021 / Policy Papers
Reply to the Public Consultation on All Continental Europe TSOs Proposal
The European Union as a whole has agreed on ambitious goals to increase renewable energy in the energy system and become carbon neutral by 2050. Energy storage technologies can provide an important contribution to system security while enabling the transition to a decarbonised energy system. The fast-dynamic response of energy storage devices is expected to help cope with the system inertia decrease and the RES variability, thereby contributing to grid stability. However, energy storage can only provide such services if there are no undue barriers in the network code provisions and market entry and development is attractive for LER.
EASE supports setting Tmin for FCR providers with LER to 15 minutes, however, EASE notes that the methodology itself should be re-assessed before it is possible to carry out the CBA and based on that, to discuss the results.
To see EASE’s reply to the ENTSO-E stakeholder consultation, please look at the file below.
EASE welcomes the revision of the Climate, Energy and Environmental Aid Guidelines to align the State aid framework with the EU’s ambitious decarbonisation targets and the European Green Deal. With the revision of the EEAG, the EU seeks to address challenge of ensuring a clear framework that supports decarbonisation in a cost-effective manner while maintaining competition and fair trade.
In 2024, several new regulatory initiatives were introduced, marking a period of significant growth driven by key policy advancements and the collective efforts of EASE, its members, policymakers, and stakeholders.
The Electricity Market Design Reform (EMDR) tasked the DSO Entity and ENTSO-E with developing a methodology to analyse flexibility needs. A draft proposal of this methodology is currently under consultation before its submission to ACER for possible amendments and approval.