EASE has responded to the European Commission's Public Consultation on the proposal for ‘Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas markets’ Package. This Package, consisting of a review of the Gas Regulation and of the Gas Directive, aims to decarbonise gas consumption, and puts forward policy measures required for supporting the creation of optimum and dedicated infrastructure, as well as efficient markets.
April 2022 / Policy Papers - Responses to Public Consultations
Renewable Energy Projects: Permit-Granting Processes & Power Purchase Agreements
EASE has responded to the European Commission's Public Consultation on 'Renewable Energy Projects - Permit-Granting Processes & Power Purchase Agreements'. This initiative aims to facilitate renewable energy production projects. It will focuses on the key barriers for implementation of renewable energy projects and outline good practices addressing the identified barriers and ways to facilitate power purchase agreements across borders.
EASE prepared a reply to this consultation to contribute to the efficient development and deployment of renewable energy projects in the EU Member States in a favourable way to the energy storage sector. EASE welcomes the initiative as removing barriers to the permit-granting processes and power purchase agreements (PPAs) issues is essential for decarbonisation, clean energy transition, and energy security.
Regarding permitting procedures, EASE recognises the need for facility providing flexibility in the energy supply chain and options for flexible connection agreements for energy storage. In terms of its legislation, sharing the harmonised categorisation for energy storage among Member States is essential. Moreover, an accurate and accessible guideline for permitting is necessary as well as better training for government staff. EASE believes that procedures should be shortened and digitalised as well as that permitting should not be blocked while new legislation is elaborated. Concerning the PPAs, EASE supports the recognition of hybrid (RES + storage) PPAs in the EU legislation to enable that Member States set up frameworks. Lastly, EASE believes that all the changes should be based on political willingness for active renewable deployment, especially on energy storage, at both European and national levels.
EASE has responded to the European Commission's Public Consultation on the proposal for ‘Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas markets’ Package. This Package, consisting of a review of the Gas Regulation and of the Gas Directive, aims to decarbonise gas consumption, and puts forward policy measures required for supporting the creation of optimum and dedicated infrastructure, as well as efficient markets.
EASE reply to ENTSO-E’s Public Consultation on the 10-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) calls for a more balanced consideration of energy storage technologies and a clearer breakdown of the economic impacts and costs of proposed scenarios.
EASE reply to the European Commission’s Public Consultation and Call for Evidence Feedback on proposal for a Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) Implementing Act aiming at further specifying non-price criteria for renewable energy auctions.
In 2024, several new regulatory initiatives were introduced, marking a period of significant growth driven by key policy advancements and the collective efforts of EASE, its members, policymakers, and stakeholders.