September 2020 / Event Reports

A comprehensive European Approach to Energy Storage

On 9 September 2020, over 200 participants attended an EASE webinar presenting the European Parliament’s ITRE Committee Own-Initiative Report on energy storage. The webinar gave valuable insights into the work behind the report from the perspective of the Members of the European Parliament who led the drafting of the report: Claudia Gamon (rapporteur), Maria Spyraki (shadow-rapporteur), Ville Niinistö (shadow-rapporteur), and Niels Fuglsang (shadow-rapporteur). This was complemented by the European Commission, which presented its vision and policies for energy storage.

October 2020 / Policy Papers

Open Letter on the Revision of the TEN-E Regulation

Following on from the European Commission’s proposed revision of the TEN-E Regulation in the latter half of 2020, EASE put forward a set of recommendations aiming at improving the legislative framework, better support renewable-based solutions, and contribute to the decarbonisation of the energy system.

The TEN-E Regulation should be significantly revised to better address the challenges and seize the opportunities in light of the European Union’s decarbonisation strategy. Flexibility solutions, and in particular energy storage, can play a key role: the regulation should recognise it and properly favour their uptakes.

September 2020 / Event Reports

A comprehensive European Approach to Energy Storage

On 9 September 2020, over 200 participants attended an EASE webinar presenting the European Parliament’s ITRE Committee Own-Initiative Report on energy storage. The webinar gave valuable insights into the work behind the report from the perspective of the Members of the European Parliament who led the drafting of the report: Claudia Gamon (rapporteur), Maria Spyraki (shadow-rapporteur), Ville Niinistö (shadow-rapporteur), and Niels Fuglsang (shadow-rapporteur). This was complemented by the European Commission, which presented its vision and policies for energy storage.
