July 2022 / Campaigns

Call for Endorsement: Energy Storage Targets!

EASE has estimated that the European Union no-regret requirements for energy storage are 200 GW by 2030 and 600 GW by 2050. Current market trajectories for storage will fail to meet these requirements if urgent measures to boost deployment are not taken now. Yet, energy storage is an essential component for enabling renewables integration and establishing a secure, low-emission and affordable energy system.

July 2022 / Event Reports

How Much Energy Storage Does Europe Need?

On 12 July 2022, over 180 participants attended the webinar on how much energy storage does Europe need. The webinar aimed to discuss the huge role energy storage has to play in the evolving energy system, and shed light on how much energy storage will be needed, building upon our estimates in the recently published EASE review paper ‘Energy Storage Targets 2030 and 2050’.

In light of the EU’s ambitions to accelerate the energy transition and further increase climate and sector targets, critical questions still remain:

  • Can the energy system support high levels of wind and solar generation with existing infrastructure?
  • How will variable production of renewables be balanced without relying on back-up fossil fuel generation?

The webinar was moderated by Mr David Post, EASE President and the Head of Marketing and Sales Distributed Energy Solutions at Enel X. Panel discussion was joint by Jannis Burger - EDF Research Engineer, Joris Koornneef - TNO Strategy Consultant-Sustainable Geo Energy and Amir José Daou Pulido - Fluence Market Development Manager. Experts brought their perspectives on the topic debating how technologies, market opportunities and political decisions will shape the future of this sector.

July 2022 / Campaigns

Call for Endorsement: Energy Storage Targets!

EASE has estimated that the European Union no-regret requirements for energy storage are 200 GW by 2030 and 600 GW by 2050. Current market trajectories for storage will fail to meet these requirements if urgent measures to boost deployment are not taken now. Yet, energy storage is an essential component for enabling renewables integration and establishing a secure, low-emission and affordable energy system.
