June 2019 / Policy Papers

Recommendations on Certification of Renewable and Low-Carbon Hydrogen

Power-to-gas and power-to-liquid technologies are a key enabler of sector integration. The upcoming revision of the ‘Gas Package’ presents a unique opportunity for the EU to clarify the regulatory framework applicable to PtG and PtL facilities and to create a supportive environment for the development and deployment of these technologies. In this light EASE has prepared some key recommendations for the certification of hydrogen produced through power-to-gas.

August 2019 / Policy Papers - Responses to Public Consultations

European Commission’s Sustainability Requirements for Batteries

EASE submitted a response to the European Commission’s Public Consultation on Sustainability Requirements for Batteries.

Battery technologies play a key role in decarbonising the road transport sector and strongly contribute to energy storage solutions, both for domestic and grid applications. Their large-scale deployment has the potential to make a substantial contribution to the Energy Union and sustainable mobility policies. At the same time, the production and use of batteries can induce negative environmental impacts, notably in terms of energy and resource use.

EASE endorses policymakers’ efforts to ensure that the EU develops a strong battery value chain and to facilitate the deployment of energy storage technologies.

June 2019 / Policy Papers

Recommendations on Certification of Renewable and Low-Carbon Hydrogen

Power-to-gas and power-to-liquid technologies are a key enabler of sector integration. The upcoming revision of the ‘Gas Package’ presents a unique opportunity for the EU to clarify the regulatory framework applicable to PtG and PtL facilities and to create a supportive environment for the development and deployment of these technologies. In this light EASE has prepared some key recommendations for the certification of hydrogen produced through power-to-gas.
