EASE and Delta-ee are pleased to announce the publication of the third edition of the European Market Monitor on Energy Storage (EMMES).
EMMES 3.0 shows that:
Market growth in 2018 exceeded expectations, and was higher than both 2016 and 2017
A key factor in this rapid market growth during 2018 was the commissioning of new front-of-the meter projects in the UK
Behind-the-meter markets continue to develop positively across Europe, with growing opportunities for energy storage in C&I and residential applications in Central & Eastern Europe, Spain and the Nordics.
Political negotiations on the “Clean Energy for All Europeans” package (CEP) were concluded in December 2018, and the new electricity market design should be enacted into Member States national legislation over the next 18 months. This promises to deliver important changes that could have a significant and positive impact on the energy storage market in Europe.
While the market is forecast to grow in 2019 and 2020, it will do so at a lower rate due to the short-term saturation of some front-of-the-meter markets, and the maturing of the large German residential market.
However, new growth drivers will emerge as the CEP is enacted and we expect E-mobility to become a significant new application for stationary energy storage.
EASE reply to ENTSO-E’s Public Consultation on the 10-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) calls for a more balanced consideration of energy storage technologies and a clearer breakdown of the economic impacts and costs of proposed scenarios.
EASE reply to the European Commission’s Public Consultation and Call for Evidence Feedback on proposal for a Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) Implementing Act aiming at further specifying non-price criteria for renewable energy auctions.
In 2024, several new regulatory initiatives were introduced, marking a period of significant growth driven by key policy advancements and the collective efforts of EASE, its members, policymakers, and stakeholders.