February 2018 / Policy Papers - Responses to Public Consultations

All Continental European and Nordic TSOs’ Proposal for a Cost Benefit Analysis Methodology

EASE submitted a response to the ENTSO-E Public Consultation on “All Continental European and Nordic TSOs’ proposal for a Cost Benefit Analysis methodology”. EASE welcomes the efforts and wishes to propose several amendments and clarifications, since some aspects of the proposed methodology might lead to strong distortions of the results or to an incomplete CBA.

April 2018 / Activity Reports

EASE Activity Report 2017

"As 2018 is moving along, I have one wish: for 2018 to be successful, fruitful, and rewarding as 2017! Indeed, after the signature of the Paris Agreement in 2016, I saw mind-sets changing. A growing number of businesses of all sizes, policymakers and citizens express now a genuine interest in energy storage, concerned with ensuring a smooth, efficient, and cost-effective energy transition.

I also witnessed the evolution of energy storage on European markets. From a niche market, energy storage has become a significant component of the Europe’s energy economic activity, as demonstrated by the first edition of the European Market Monitor on Energy Storage that EASE together with Delta-ee released in December 2017. Inspired by this momentum, EASE worked on many different fronts to inform decision makers and stakeholders on the role and value of energy storage, and to support and finance research, development, and deployment of energy storage."

February 2018 / Policy Papers - Responses to Public Consultations

All Continental European and Nordic TSOs’ Proposal for a Cost Benefit Analysis Methodology

EASE submitted a response to the ENTSO-E Public Consultation on “All Continental European and Nordic TSOs’ proposal for a Cost Benefit Analysis methodology”. EASE welcomes the efforts and wishes to propose several amendments and clarifications, since some aspects of the proposed methodology might lead to strong distortions of the results or to an incomplete CBA.
