September 2015 / Activity Reports
EASE Activity Report 2014
By all accounts, 2014 was a busy but successful year for EASE. The European energy system is clearly moving towards an energy future based on clean, variable and renewable power generation, smarter and more reliable networks, empowered consumers and competitive, interdependent European energy markets. To successfully carry on this transition, however, the added value energy storage can bring has to be grasped.
Whereas the reward at the end of this process is tangible, tremendous investments in our energy infrastructure are necessary to reach it, estimated at some €200 billion annually in the next decade. A degree of certainty and predictability is a prerequisite for all types of investment. In the dynamic energy landscape this predictability is sometimes difficult to find. This is especially valid for new players in the field, such as energy storage. Although the question of why we need energy storage has been clearly answered today and the necessity to implement it into our energy system widely acknowledged, questions about the how and the when are still numerous.
A major objective of EASE is to foster the creation of a fair market design, adequately remunerating rendered services and allowing a natural market uptake of storage based solutions. To ensure that policy and industry acknowledge and enable the benefits of energy storage to their fullest extent, we need to provide a clear framework on how to address and assess it. This is why EASE attempts – and has already succeeded through the combined expertise of our members - to clarify the view on Energy Storage and to raise awareness of its potential and value.