24.02.2019 / News

Clean Energy for All Europeans Package

The EASE Secretariat has been working on the Clean Energy for All Europeans package since it was proposed by the European Commission in 2016. The final agreement was reached in December 2018 by the two co-legislators, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, and represents a great success for EASE.

24.02.2019 / News

An Update on EASE Policy Work: Challenges Faced and Overcome in 2018

2018 was a turning point for energy storage policy at the European level, with major pieces of legislation being approved by the European institutions. EASE policy team has worked hard to ensure that the European regulatory framework evolves in a way that allows storage to have a strong business case and achieve its full potential to support the energy transition.

2018 started with the publication by the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament of their respective approaches on the proposals for a recast Electricity Directive and recast Electricity Regulation (Electricity Market Design files).

Throughout the year, EASE continued to work on a wide range of issues including the electricity network codes, the assessment of energy storage projects in the Ten-Year Network Development Plan and Projects of Common Interest, Horizon Europe, the ETS Innovation Fund, clean mobility, and energy storage on islands.

EASE also attended high-level events and initiatives that aim at shaping the future of the energy system, such as the Florence Forum on the internal electricity market, the Madrid Forum on the internal gas market, the Clean Energy for EU Islands Forum, and the High-Level Conference “Charge for Change” focusing on hydrogen.

EASE concentrated most of its efforts on the final discussions on the Clean Energy for All Europeans package: EASE engaged with the European institutions during the trilogue discussions on the Electricity Market Design files until a final agreement was reached on 19 December 2018. EASE is proud to have had a role in ensuring that the present and future European regulatory framework recognises the role of energy storage technologies and supports their deployment on a level playing field with other technologies. In short, 2018 has been busy in the policy field!

24.02.2019 / News

Clean Energy for All Europeans Package

The EASE Secretariat has been working on the Clean Energy for All Europeans package since it was proposed by the European Commission in 2016. The final agreement was reached in December 2018 by the two co-legislators, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, and represents a great success for EASE.
