14.06.2023 / News

Net-Zero Industry Act: Our joint reaction in response to Mr. Ehler’s report

EASE, together with 10 other European Climate and Clean Tech Groups call on the European Parliament to keep the Net-Zero Industry Act true to its purpose of scaling up clean technologies across Europe.

15.06.2023 / News Press Releases

Statement on The Batteries Regulation: European Parliament Votes to Endorse Council Deal

On 14th June 2023, the European Parliament gave its endorsement to a deal reached with the Council on the Batteries Regulation.

EASE Secretary General Patrick Clerens’ statement:

On the significance of the Batteries Regulation for the Energy Storage Sector

"We are delighted to welcome the new Batteries Regulation as a significant step forward for the energy storage sector.

Battery energy storage systems (BESS) play a crucial role in facilitating the energy transition. When utilized for Behind-the-Meter solutions, BESS empower citizens and reduce energy costs for industries. Additionally, when deployed Front-of-the-Meter, BESS maximize the integration of renewable energy sources and contribute to the establishment of a more resilient, sustainable, and efficient power grid.

The new Batteries Regulation aligns with these goals by promoting the development of safe, environmentally-friendly, and competitive batteries."

On the Importance of Environmental and Social Sustainability

“The Batteries Regulation rightly commits to environmentally-friendly batteries.

EASE expresses its support for the introduction of a carbon footprint calculation that accurately reflects battery energy storage unique characteristics.

Besides,  it is excellent that the topics of batteries’ end-of-life and second-life are addressed in the Regulation. Furthermore, we applaud the inclusion of provisions regarding the end-of-life and second-life of batteries in the Regulation. This legislation offers much-needed legal clarity and guidance to industry stakeholders, enabling them to effectively manage BESS at the end of their operational life."


EASE fully supports social due diligence policies: the European Union must ensure that raw materials used in Batteries are sourced responsibly, with due consideration for social and environmental standards.

Next steps

  • Following the final vote in plenary, the Council will now have to formally endorse the text of the Batteries Regulation before its publication in the EU Official Journal and its entry into force;
  • EASE will continue to support the policymakers on the delegated acts, with a special focus on the Carbon footprint methodology.
14.06.2023 / News

Net-Zero Industry Act: Our joint reaction in response to Mr. Ehler’s report

EASE, together with 10 other European Climate and Clean Tech Groups call on the European Parliament to keep the Net-Zero Industry Act true to its purpose of scaling up clean technologies across Europe.
