05.02.2025 / News

Open letter: The Clean Industrial Deal must deliver a bold strategy to reinforce Europe’s Global Leadership in Cleantech and build a Competitive Net Zero Economy

European civil and cleantech society urges the Commission to deliver a bold Clean Industrial Deal to strengthen the EU’s cleantech leadership and net zero economy.

27.02.2025 / News Press Releases

Statement on Clean Industrial Deal and Affordable Energy Action Plan

On 26 February, the European Commission introduced two major initiatives that will shape Europe’s energy landscape. The first initiative, the Clean Industrial Deal will set the direction for faster renewable energy deployment, industrial decarbonisation, and clean technology manufacturing. The provisions of the second initiative, the Affordable Energy Action Plan, outline key measures that will shape the deployment and economic viability of energy storage in the coming years. It targets reforms in permitting, tariff structures, and flexibility remuneration.

EASE Senior Policy Officer Aurélien Ballagny’s statement:

On the Clean Industrial Deal:

The Clean Industrial Deal is a step in the right direction for energy storage deployment. However, we encourage the Commission to acknowledge that energy storage solutions do not stop at batteries and hydrogen. They are in fact a wide-range of technologies to address different challenges.”

“The Clean Industrial Deal identifies the quick implementation of existing legislation as a priority. EASE fully supports this as many EU provisions not yet transposed address obstacles to energy storage, such as lack of access to the energy market, high taxation & fees, or a lack of remuneration for services to the grid. ”

“EASE welcomes investment-related measures, such as incentives through non-price criteria in public procurement; simplifying access to EU funding; and the mobilisation of EUR 100 billion to help the business case of EU-made clean manufacturing. Also positive are efforts related to the further uptake of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) which are key to ensure long-term revenue visibility and promote the roll-out of storage.”

 “While overall positive, EASE regrets the absence of a more comprehensive strategy on energy storage & flexibility solutions, much needed to set a clear path for public authorities, investors, and EU industries.”

Next step:

  • Simplification of the State Aid Framework in Q2 2025

EASE Senior Policy Officer Daniel Vig’s statement:

On the Affordable Energy Action Plan:

“Until now, long permitting, unfair grid fees, and the lack of remuneration for flexibility have delayed energy storage deployment. EASE welcomes the Affordable Energy Action Plan because it recognises and sets up to tackle these barriers by mid-2025”.

“Energy storage is crucial for grid expansion. Yet, most Member States’ grid fee rules do not adequately account for storage, resulting in unfair double-charging that discourages energy storage investment. This exacerbates congestion and curtailment, with high prices for society. EASE welcomes the Commission’s proposal to reform network charges, which should recognise the benefits that energy storage brings to the grid”.

“The Affordable Energy Action plan’s goal is also to accelerate permitting for grids, storage, and renewables by swiftly transposing EU law into the national level. Reducing the deployment time of energy storage is crucial to achieving decarbonization targets”.

“EASE welcomes the Action Plan’s commitment to fully implementing EU market access rules for energy storage. This will help unlock its full potential, paving the way for a competitive flexibility market based on clean technologies”.

“Lastly, on the Energy Taxation Directive revision, EASE supports provisions that prevent double taxation and advocates for basing minimum tax rates on carbon content of the energy products. These measures are key for the deployment of energy storage”.

Next steps:

  • New measures on network charges: Q2 2025
  • New permitting guidance for energy storage: Q2 2025
  • New state aid framework: Q2 2025; rules on demand response: Q1 2026
  • European Grid Package: Q1 2026
  • Revision of Energy Taxation Directive: TBD

05.02.2025 / News

Open letter: The Clean Industrial Deal must deliver a bold strategy to reinforce Europe’s Global Leadership in Cleantech and build a Competitive Net Zero Economy

European civil and cleantech society urges the Commission to deliver a bold Clean Industrial Deal to strengthen the EU’s cleantech leadership and net zero economy.
