05.06.2012 / News


Last Tuesday in Malta, on the occasion of EURELECTRIC’s Annual Convention & Conference, EASE’s Secretary General, Patrick Clerens, and EURELECTRIC’s Secretary General, Hans ten Berge, signed a Memorandum of Understanding concerning collaborative work between the two associations on topics of mutual interest.

24.06.2013 / News

Contribution of EASE to ENTSO-E’s Cost- Benefit Analysis methodology for Energy Storage

EASE presented its contribution to ENTSO-E's Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) Methodology for Energy Storage projects in the context of the EUropean energy infrasturcture priorities and ENTSO-E's Ten Year Development Plan (TYNDP) at today's Stakeholders Workshop.

ENTSO-E's CBA methodology of Drif Development Projects

The new European Regulation on guidelines for the implementation of European energy infrastructure priorities came into force on 15 May 2013.
In this context, ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, is developing a CBA methodology with the purpose of:

  • Producing a system-wide CBA, allowing the assessment of all TYNDP projects in a homogeneous way;
  • Producing the basis for the assessment of all the electricity projects of common interest (PCIs);
  • If required, provide information for cost allocation and incentive/grants for the PCIs.

EASE Contribution

ENTSO-E has asked EASE to provide insights on a CBA for energy storage projects, an assessment to be used for the evaluation of storage devices on transmission systems.

EASE delivered the requested input commenting on the validity and suitableness of the proposed indicators for energy storage projects, and developing a specific environmental indicator “social and environmental sensibility” for energy storage technologies.
In this context, EASE favours a CBA method for energy storage as close as possible to the CBA method for interconnections.

Overall, EASE welcomes this initiative and recognises the usefulness of elaborating a CBA method in order to assess the importance of storage for the electrical system, within the European energy infrastructure priorities and the TYNDP framework.
Finally, EASE looks forward to closely collaborating with ENTSO-E in the 2016 TYNDP.

05.06.2012 / News


Last Tuesday in Malta, on the occasion of EURELECTRIC’s Annual Convention & Conference, EASE’s Secretary General, Patrick Clerens, and EURELECTRIC’s Secretary General, Hans ten Berge, signed a Memorandum of Understanding concerning collaborative work between the two associations on topics of mutual interest.
