19.07.2024 / Members News

Malta Inc. Store2REPower Project Breaks Ground for Full-Scale Heat Exchanger Qualifications

Malta Inc. announced the groundbreaking of the expansion of DLR’s world-leading test facility for thermal energy storage in molten salts (TESIS) for the full-scale qualification of the innovative, Alfa Laval-built heat exchangers, as part of their Store2REPower project.

19.07.2024 / News

Joint Letter for Rapid Implementation of Granular Guarantees of Origin in Europe

EASE, along with the undersigned organisations, have called for supporting the timely implementation of Granular Guarantees of Origin (GOs) within the established issuing bodies of the EU as a voluntary instrument for advanced clean energy products.

Granular GOs have been enabled and encouraged in the most recent update of the Renewable Energy Directive. As the EU electricity markets and decarbonisation objectives evolve, so should additional attributes of the Guarantees of Origin in ensuring electricity origin tracking and source disclosure to consumers. Granular GOs add the sub-hourly time of production to GOs which only contain the date of production today, enabling the matching of produced energy to consumption on an hourly basis.

Granular GOs can contribute to the clean energy transition in several ways:

  • Verifying Renewable Hydrogen
  • Enabling Enhanced Voluntary Green Claims
  • Further Signals for Clean Flexibility and Storage
  • Advancing Decarbonisation
  • Enabling Enhanced Clean Consumer Hedging
  • Enabling European Digital Innovation
  • Enhanced Corporate Disclosure

Signatories urge EU Member States and Issuing Bodies to implement granular GOs in their national legislative frameworks and ensure issuance by Issuing Bodies in a timely fashion. A European system of granular GOs will help accelerate electricity system decarbonisation by sending more accurate price signals and enable the robust verification of green hydrogen and green electricity claims. This will support and accelerate Europe’s ambitions to be the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050. By acting swiftly, the EU has the opportunity to establish global leadership in energy market innovation and accelerate progress towards a truly sustainable future.

19.07.2024 / Members News

Malta Inc. Store2REPower Project Breaks Ground for Full-Scale Heat Exchanger Qualifications

Malta Inc. announced the groundbreaking of the expansion of DLR’s world-leading test facility for thermal energy storage in molten salts (TESIS) for the full-scale qualification of the innovative, Alfa Laval-built heat exchangers, as part of their Store2REPower project.
