07.02.2020 / News
EU-Funded Projects: What Are We Up To
The participation of EASE in EU-funded projects is paramount to foster research, innovation, and deployment of different storage technologies. In 2019 EASE was involved in 10 EU-funded projects, and more are on their way in 2020.
The INTENSYS4EU project set up the European Technology and Innovation Platform (ETIP) for Smart Networks for Energy Transition (SNET), involving stakeholders from the smart grids and storage sectors. EASE coordinates the Working Group on Energy Storage and Sector Interfaces of the ETIP, and in 2019 helped update the roadmap that will set RD&I priorities for the upcoming Horizon Europe programme.
TSO2020 aims to explore the use of green hydrogen for transport in Europe. In 2019, EASE delivered a cost-benefit analysis of the project and assisted partners in drafting scalability studies.
HYDROPOWER EUROPE kicked off in 2018 and aims to coordinate research around hydropower in Europe. EASE led a public consultation within the hydropower community on two documents, a Research and Innovation Agenda and a Strategic Industry Roadmap, through online consultations and through three Regional Workshops around Europe.
MUSE GRIDS aims to integrate different energy grids in isolated or weakly connected energy areas through the creation of energy communities – with the main goal of relying on low carbon sources and becoming energy independent. EASE is disseminating project outcomes and presenting it around the world.
Smartspend kicked off in 2018 and aims to increase and streamline public support at national and European levels for energy research and innovation. EASE is in charge of raising awareness and improving the understanding of funding mechanisms for energy transition innovators.
Battery2030+ targets the battery technologies of the future that will be ready to support the decarbonisation of the energy system by 2030. EASE is responsible for leading the consultation process.
The ASSET project supports a holistic approach to the energy transition, by involving research, innovation and education, aiming to improve the knowledge, skills, and competences needed for energy transition. EASE is raising awareness of the project in order to improve the readiness of the job market for the energy transition.
Batteries Europe, the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Batteries, started in early 2019; being one of the core partners, EASE was involved in setting up the Platform’s structure and is currently leading two Working Groups focusing on battery applications.
TALENT started in October 2019 and will explore cost-effective solutions for the integration of storage into energy grids. EASE is responsible for disseminating the project results, addressing its replicability, and raising awareness on the benefits of energy storage for renewable integration.
CoFBAT is a project that proposes solutions for cobalt-free batteries with high cyclability in order to reduce Europe’s dependency on raw materials. EASE will engage the battery community and discuss how to address future challenges.