30.05.2017 / Press Releases
EASE Calls for Coordinated Approach to Defining Grid Tariffs for Energy Storage
EASE, the European Association for Storage of Energy, has published its position paper “Energy Storage Deployment Hampered by Grid Charges”, which highlights the significant differences in grid charges across countries to which large-scale pumped hydro storage (PHS) power plants are exposed today. It illustrates the impact of the fragmented regulatory framework on the energy storage business case and shows how this hampers the creation of an internal energy market in Europe .
In its paper, EASE calls for a coordinated approach to defining grid tariffs for storage that recognises its alleviative effects on grid constraints and grid extension costs, while contributing to reduced curtailment of CO2 free electricity generation.
EASE’s recommendations are in line with the “Clean Energy for All Europeans” Package published by the Commission in November 2016. They endorse the Commission’s viewpoint that storage often alleviates the grid and is a complement to grid development . Grid tariffs should therefore be based on the principle of cost causality. It follows that (pumped hydro) storage should be exempted from grid charges, or only have a relatively small contribution.
EASE looks forward to working with the EU institutions to ensure that needed discussions on this topic will take place, paving the way for a truly level playing field between all generation, storage, and demand-side resources in Europe.