24.11.2020 / News
Towards a Competitive European Industrial Battery Value Chain for Stationary Applications and E-Mobility
We are glad to announce that the Batteries European Partnership Association, which is supported by the EASE, is currently under-creation.
The Batteries European Partnership Association is the private side association of the Batteries European Partnership. The Association is supported by four core associations (EMIRI, RECHARGE, EUCAR and EASE) and will gather - on the public side - the European Commission and - on the private side - all the interested stakeholders of the European battery community.
BEPA’s Mission
- to provide recommendations for calls for proposals supported within the specific parts of the Horizon Europe Work Programmes related to batteries;
- to implement and regularly update the commonly agreed Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for batteries;
- to support and oversee the portfolio of projects funded under the Partnership Work Programmes.
- but also to create and reinforce networks between the battery, RTOs, universities and other organisations, and ensure synergies with other European Partnerships and initiatives;
- and to support the development of EU regulations on battery standards, safety, and sustainability and actively promote and monitor innovation uptake in the market.
The first Statutory General Assembly of the Batteries European Partnership Association is scheduled for Monday, 14 December from 9:30 to 12:30. Main objectives of this first General Assembly will be to review and validate the Articles of the Association, to elect the representatives of the Governing Bodies as well as to approve the 2021 budget and schedule of membership fees.
Membership Information
All legal entities with relevant activities in R&D, demonstration, industrialisation, production, commercialisation or deployment of the technologies and services within the scope of the Partnership, sharing and supporting the objectives of the Partnership, and performing activities in the European Union (or countries associated to the Horizon Europe Programme) can apply for membership.
To become a member of BEPA, please fill in the Application Form. The original signature of a duly-empowered representative of your organisation is required for the records of the Association. Once your application is submitted online, you will need to download a PDF version, print it, have it signed by a duly-empowered representative and send it via email to the Secretariat (secretariat.bepa@clerens.eu) and via physical mail to the Secretariat, Avenue Adolphe Lacomblé 59/8, B-1030 Brussels.
The Membership will be subject to payment of an annual membership fee, which varies depending on the membership category. Please find below the provisional schedule of fees which should allow for a balanced 2021 budget.
Annual fee |
1. Industry members (incl. for-profit research) | |
Large (headcount>5000 or turnover >1,5 bn €) | 9.500,00 € |
Intermediate (headcount 250-4999 or turnover 50 ml-1,5 bn €) | 7.500,00 € |
Medium (headcount 50-250 or turnover 10-50 ml €) | 5.000,00 € |
Small (headcount <50 or turnover <10 ml €) | 2.500,00 € |
2. Research members (non-profit) | |
Large (headcount >250) | 4.000,00 € |
Small (headcount <250) | 2.500,00 € |
3. Associate members (membership without a voting right) | |
Associations, NGOs and other stakeholders | 1.000,00 € |
Apply to an Elected Position
Moreover, once an organisation has submitted the application form to become a full member of BEPA, the person appointed as its representative can apply to one of the 24 elected positions:
- 9 positions for representatives in both the Executive Board and the Association Delegation
- 15 additional positions in the Association Delegation
To apply to one of the above-mentioned governing positions, please fill the Application Form by 30 November 2020.
Articles of Association and Code of Conduct
The Articles of Association (AoA) define the purpose, the activities, the membership conditions and main aspects related to BEPA’s governance. These AoA will be submitted for approval during the first Statutory General Assembly. Any proposal for amendment has to be submitted in writing to the Secretariat at secretariat.bepa@clerens.eu by December 2, 2020, at the latest.
The Code of Conduct of BEPA details additional rules to be respected by the members of the Association. Any proposal for amendment has to be submitted in writing to the Secretariat at secretariat.bepa@clerens.eu by December 2, 2020, at the latest.
We are looking forward to co-designing the future R&I activities for the benefit of the European battery value-chain!