On 15 May 2019, in the framework of the MUSE GRIDS project, EASE co-organised the Local Energy Communities Workshop, a one day event to discuss the topic of local energy communities and their implementation in Europe.
29.05.2019 / News
Beyond the Clean Energy Package: What’s Next for the Storage Sector?
On 22 May 2019 EASE organised a workshop on the role of energy storage in the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package, sponsored by Delta-ee.
Almost 100 participants from across the storage industry met in Brussels to debate the practical implications of the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package (CEP), assess the most promising current and emerging business cases for energy storage across Europe, and identify gaps that would require further policy action.
Time to discuss Clean Energy Package implementation
15 speakers from the European Commission, the European Court of Auditors, and the private sector reflected on the storage-related provisions of the CEP. After assessing the new policy framework established by the CEP, the discussion turned to the impact of the Package on energy storage business cases.
Among the various topics, attendees discussed:
To what extent the CEP is going to impact business models for behind-the-meter energy storage.
The changing role of TSOs and DSOs when it comes to energy storage and in particular, how TSOs and DSOs can support the roll-out of energy storage projects to defer or avoid grid investments.
The need for long-term visibility on storage revenue streams.
National policies for energy storage, and the major drivers and barriers to storage in different Member States.
A step forward for the energy storage sector
The workshop offered the perfect setting for a fruitful discussion on the implementation of the CEP. Although speakers noted that the Package is an important step forward for the storage industry, many challenges were identified both by speakers and participants.
For behind-the-meter storage, particular attention was directed towards the need to ensure full participation of active customers in different energy markets and to define clear frameworks for fair and cost-reflective grid fees and tariffs. For front-of-the-meter storage, on the other hand, participants emphasised the need for long-term visibility on storage revenue streams. They also noted the importance of TSOs and DSOs supporting storage deployment, for instance by granting visibility regarding timing and location of grid congestion and other bottlenecks.
Throughout the workshop, speakers and participants emphasised the need for a rapid transposition of the Clean Energy Package in all Member States; the essential role of motivated and progressive TSOs, DSOs, and regulators; and the importance of having a flexible approach that will allow the storage industry to test different ownership and business models.
Going forward, EASE will continue to drive the discussion on the insights related to the changing policy and market environment for energy storage and continue its advocacy efforts to support the deployment of energy storage as a key enabler of a cost-effective transition to a resilient, low-carbon, and secure energy system.
The EASE team would like to thank all speakers and participants, as well as our sponsor, Delta-ee, for making this event possible!
Would you like to know more?
If you missed the Energy Storage in the Clean Energy for all Europeans package workshop but would like to know more about this event, you can purchase the proceedings by contacting Ms Doriana Forleo.
On 15 May 2019, in the framework of the MUSE GRIDS project, EASE co-organised the Local Energy Communities Workshop, a one day event to discuss the topic of local energy communities and their implementation in Europe.
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