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24/11/2020 @ 09:00 - 27/11/2020 @ 15:30

Greening the Island 7th e_Convention

EASE was glad to support the 7th edition of the Greening the Island e_Conference which took place online on 24-27 November 2020.

The Greening the Island e_Convention is the global event dedicated to the innovative solutions for the self-sufficiency and sustainability of islands. The event was entirely digital and includes the international conference, for its 7th edition, and the exhibition. Islands around the world connect with governments, corporates and academia to share their common experiences through a digital platform and match island needs and innovative solutions.

The first three days (24-26 November 2020) were allocated to a global discussion focussing on technologies, whereas the fourth day (27 November 2020) were dedicated to the European Forum deepening EU policies and new regulations on energy storage to accelerate the sustainable transition of islands.

The event offered networking opportunities for participants, workshops on policies and technologies, as well as  presentations and Q&A sessions with specialised speakers.


EASE participated at Greening the Island e_Convention

EASE joined the discussion on 27 November on the topic “EU regulatory framework on batteries and their contribution to islands decarbonisation” along with other specialists. EASE also exhibited with an online booth during the Greening the Island e_Convention.



24/11/2020 @ 09:00
27/11/2020 @ 15:30
Event categories
Events, Supported Events

