Large-Scale Research Initiative: At the Heart of a Connected Green Society

Continuing the work started in BATTERY2030+, the BATTERY 2030PLUS large-scale research initiative aims to invent the batteries of the future by providing breakthrough technologies to the European battery industry throughout the value chain and enable long-term European leadership in existing markets and future emerging applications. This Coordination and Support Action kick-starts a European long-term research initiative on batteries whose main objectives are to develop the BATTERY 2030+ R&I roadmap and facilitate its implementation by coordinating and monitoring the consortia winning specific calls.

The consortium will also prepare a common strategy for the protection and commercial exploitation of the results, as well as building competence by new European curricula and facilitate the communication, dialogue, and cooperation on cross-cutting topics. Together with Batteries Europe the consortium will develop the SET-Plan for batteries and establish links to national and international battery stakeholder networks.

In this second phase of the project, EASE is leading the communication, dissemination and stakeholder engagement of the battery community in the project. EASE members AIT and CEA are involved as full consortium members.


Funding programme

EU Horizon 2020

Call Identifier



