Past events

16 February 2021 / Digital

Energy Storage: New Technical Tools for a Changing Market

EASE organised a workshop to introduce its members to the work of its Applications and Economics Working Group on Tuesday 16 February.

9 February 2021 / Digital

Developing the Batteries of the Future: Actions to Take Today

EASE, together with Batteries Europe, organised a webinar to discuss possible solutions to the challenges that foster the EU leadership in battery storage field. The event took place on 9 February 2021 and was organised under the umbrella of the EU Industry Days 2021.

19 January 2021 - 21 January 2021 / Digital

International Flow Battery Virtual Conference

EASE supported the International Flow Battery Forum that took place online on 19-21 January 2021.

17 December 2020 / Digital

Cost Effective Technological Developments to Accelerate Clean Energy Transition - TALENT Online Workshop

The EU-funded project TALENT held its first Online Workshop "Cost Effective Technological Developments to Accelerate Clean Energy Transition" on 17 December 2020.

9 December 2020 /

Battery Storage Opportunities in Emerging Markets

EASE was glad to be a partner of Invest in Network's Energy Talk on the Battery Storage Opportunities for Emerging Markets which took place on 9 December 2020.

9 December 2020 / Digital

Taking Energy Storage to the Next Level: Enabling Benefit Stacking Through Smarter Regulation

The EASE Secretariat was pleased to organise on 9 December 2020 a discussion on the value stacking for energy storage, the challenges to the energy storage business case, with a particular focus on how to allow energy storage to live up to its full flexibility potential by providing a variety of services.