29.01.2025 /

ESGC 2024

ESGC 2024

The seventh edition of the Energy Storage Global Conference (ESGC) organised by EASE took place on 15 – 17 October 2024 as a hybrid event at Hotel Le Plaza in Brussels.

Building on six successful conferences since 2014, the three-day event brought together over 400 energy storage professionals, researchers, more than 20 exhibitors, and over 50 speakers, both onsite and online. Participants gained insights into how the energy storage sector is growing and must evolve to serve as the bridge to achieving the energy targets set for 2030 and 2050.

Over three days, representatives from various countries gathered to discuss advancements in energy storage technologies, regulatory frameworks, policy updates, and market trends. They emphasised that energy storage is essential for managing the increasing share of renewable energy on the grid while ensuring a stable, reliable energy supply. Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, a Member of the European Parliament, highlighted energy storage’s crucial role in securing energy supply and enabling the transition to a decarbonised electricity system.

However, despite Europe’s progress, issues such as financing, permitting delays, and market design remain. Julia Majewska, Case Handler Officer at the European Commission, stressed the need to design public support measures that enhance, rather than disrupt, competition and regulatory reforms.

The second day focused on the evolving landscape of energy storage. Key topics included the integration of ESG principles in energy storage, strategies for optimising revenue in storage markets, and insights into the future of longer-duration technologies. Additionally, participants explored innovative business models such as Heat-as-a-Service and drew valuable lessons on enhancing grid resilience from the experiences in Ukraine.

During the third day, several panel discussions took place, focusing on safety standards, supply chain and raw materials, and energy storage hybridisation. Piotr Szymański, Director of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre stated: “Prosumerism empowers consumers and households to become more active in the energy sector” underscoring the potential of prosumers—individuals who both produce and consume energy—to transform Europe’s energy landscape. He highlighted that integrating storage solutions at the household and community level could lead to significant efficiency gains and further decarbonise the grid.

This edition of the Energy Storage Global Conference provided valuable insights on energy storage and showcased itself as a leading event for the industry giving access to current knowledge and important contacts in the field.

Access the virtual event platform, session recordings and presentations here!

02.04.2020 / MEMBERS

Welcome on board Aarhus University!

The European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) is glad to extend a warm welcome to its newest member Aarhus University – who joined EASE in February 2020.

15.11.2023 /

ESGC 2022

ESGC 2022

Access the virtual event platform, session recordings and presentations here, until 13 October 2023!

The fifth edition of the Energy Storage Global Conference (ESGC) was held on 11 – 13 October 2022 and was organised by EASE – The European Association for Storage of Energy, in collaboration with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, as a hybrid event at Hotel Le Plaza in Brussels, as well as online.

This edition gathered over 365 onsite and online participants representing EU and national policymakers, utilities, manufacturers, suppliers, consultancies, the research community, DSOs, TSOs, and National Regulatory Authorities. Participants had the chance to hear insight from over 85 speakers on how the energy storage sector is evolving and must evolve. The ESGC 2022 gained support from 8 sponsors – EDF, Enel X,  , Intilion, LDES Council, Saft and

The conference kicked off with a keynote speech by Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the European Commission, in charge of Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight. The Commissioner stated that the “deployment of energy storage solutions in Europe must accelerate” acknowledging that energy storage “…will help facilitate the integration of renewables and the electrification of the economy, while increasing the flexibility and security of the energy system.”

The first day, dedicated to policy, included presentations delivered by sector experts and panel discussions, focused on topics such as the political support required for energy storage uptake, energy market design, energy storage policy implementation and the decarbonisation of the energy system.

The second day, dedicated to market, looked at the economic viability of energy storage technologies, the types of funding available, the challenges and opportunities for investments in both mature and maturing markets around the world, as well as the role of TSOs and DSOs in ensuring a functioning market for energy storage. 

Finally, the third day, dedicated to technologies, provided insight on the JRC’s vision for energy storage as well as addressed topics such as optimising infrastructure, combined energy storage technologies, long duration energy storage, raw materials, modelling frameworks, minimising the environmental footprint, interoperability and digitalisation.

02.04.2020 / MEMBERS

Welcome on board Aarhus University!

The European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) is glad to extend a warm welcome to its newest member Aarhus University – who joined EASE in February 2020.

28.11.2022 /

ESGC 2023

ESGC 2023

The sixth edition of the Energy Storage Global Conference (ESGC)  organized by EASE took place on 10 – 12 October 2023 as a hybrid event at Hotel Le Plaza in Brussels, as well as online.

Built on the foundations of five successful conferences organised since 2014, the three-day event, organised by the European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE), gathered over 380 energy
storage professionals, researchers, exhibitors, speakers, and policymakers, both onsite and online.

Participants had the chance to hear insight from over 60 speakers on how the energy storage sector is evolving and must evolve as it represents the bridge to achieve energy targets set for 2030 and 2050.

Representatives from around the world came together for three days to discuss the latest developments on energy storage technologies, regulatory and policy frameworks, and the future energy storage market. The conference kicked off with a keynote speech by Anne Weidenbach from the European Commission who remarked that “Energy storage and flexibility services have moved from the background of the energy sector to the forefront”.

Following the agenda:

  • The first day was dedicated to Policy. Participants had the chance to gain in-depth information about the new Electricity Market Design, new subsidies and State Aid, and how the European Union plans to foster energy storage.
  • The second day focused on Market and new business opportunities. Best practices and trends from around the world were discussed, as well how to identify opportunities in opening markets for investments in energy storage.
  • The third and last day was about Technology and its latest innovations. Attendees could learn more about critical raw materials in the energy storage sector, explore the role of energy storage in the Industry field, and discover the latest innovations with leading experts.

This edition of the Energy Storage Global Conference provided valuable insights on energy storage and showcased itself as a leading event for the industry giving access to current knowledge and important contacts in the field.

02.04.2020 / MEMBERS

Welcome on board Aarhus University!

The European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) is glad to extend a warm welcome to its newest member Aarhus University – who joined EASE in February 2020.

21.02.2022 /

ESGC 2020

ESGC 2020

The fourth Energy Storage Global Conference took place on 19 – 21 October 2021 for the first time as a hybrid event, in-person at the Hotel Le Plaza in Brussels and online. The event was organised by EASE – The European Association for Storage of Energy, with the support of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.

The event gathered 350 participants including top-level European energy professionals and representatives from European Institutions. Representing utilities, DSOs, TSOs, suppliers, consultancies, the research community, policymakers, and National Regulatory Authorities, 130 speakers shared inputs on their activities in the energy storage sector. The ESGC 2021 gained support from 5 sponsors – EDF, CellCube, Iberdrola, NGK and Uniper; there were 11 exhibitors, all-together, engaging with participants in virtual and on-site booths.

Representatives from around the world came together for three days to discuss the latest developments on energy storage technologies, regulatory and policy frameworks, and the future energy storage market. Mr. Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight, opened the conference highlighting that energy storage will be a crucial enabler for achieving climate neutrality by 2050.

  • The first day continued with an overview on how energy storage markets are evolving. Speakers and attendees discussed investments trends, new revenue streams and emerging business models and applications.
  • The second day of the conference provided insights into policy and regulations affecting energy storage. Ms Paula Pinho, Director of the Just Transition, Consumers, Energy Efficiency and Innovation Directorate at the European Commission, stressed how energy storage is central for the achievement of the EU Green Deal and EU’s decarbonisation objectives.
  • Lastly, the third day focused on energy storage technologies and the importance of competitive, green and safe solutions. Participants were able to discuss innovative energy storage technologies. The value of storage not only for flexibility, but importantly its role in energy shifting, resilience, reliability and capacity provision to the energy system was a key takeaway.

This edition of the Energy Storage Global Conference provided valuable insights on energy storage and showcased itself as a leading event for the industry giving access to current knowledge and fantastic contacts in the field. Moreover, it was an honour to celebrate EASE’s ten-year anniversary and work achieved during this time.

02.04.2020 / MEMBERS

Welcome on board Aarhus University!

The European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) is glad to extend a warm welcome to its newest member Aarhus University – who joined EASE in February 2020.

26.11.2014 /

ESGC 2014

ESGC 2014

From 19 to 21 November 2014, EASE organised the first Energy Storage Global Conference in the Cercle National des Armées in Paris, together with ESA and ATEE-CSE (respectively the American and French Energy Storage Association), DG Joint Research Centre and DG Energy of the European Commission and Sandia National Laboratories.

More than 150 delegates attended this first conference, which saw 40 speakers from the European Commission, the National Administrations, Industry, Research Centres and other National & International bodies.

During the 3 days conference, experts from all over the world discussed the latest trends in various energy storage technologies, compared business cases and assessed regulatory issues across segments and countries.

Patrick Clerens, Secretary General of EASE, and Matthew Roberts, Executive Director of ESA, summarised the main conclusions of the conference:

  • Defining ‘energy storage’ in a policy and regulatory context is a high priority.
  • Entry barriers and undue tariffs affecting storage need to be eliminated.
  • Energy Storage systems are established, revenue generating solutions in some energy and services markets. In order to realise the high potential of additional value streams, further efforts are needed in the areas of technology, regulation and market design.
  • Several energy storage technologies have reached technical maturity and are available on an industrial scale. RD&D must further be supported to unlock the full potential of each technology, enable upscaling and cost reduction, and to enable the emergence of new technologies.
  • We must emphasise collaboration – It is critical to moving global markets to enable storage.

A survey taken during the event showed a 95% satisfaction level with the conference, its organisation, its speakers, its content, and its relevance. Equally, there was a general consensus to see it repeated in the future.

In her closing address Ms Colette Lamontagne, Director of Navigantand ESA Chairwoman, asked the delegates to play an active role in developing energy storage markets:

“Collaboration between these many countries is key to unlocking energy storage’s full potential. This conference has set the stage for continued advancement – but let’s not rest with what we have accomplished here. Instead let’s turn this momentum into a global opportunity to make electric grids more resilient and efficient.”


02.04.2020 / MEMBERS

Welcome on board Aarhus University!

The European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) is glad to extend a warm welcome to its newest member Aarhus University – who joined EASE in February 2020.

29.09.2016 /

ESGC 2016

ESGC 2016

The second edition of the Energy Storage Global Conference took place at the Arsenal, in Brussels, from 27 to 29 September 2016.

More than 220 delegates attended the Conference, which saw 49 speakers from the industry, research centres and international bodies from the electricity, renewables and storage sectors, as well as representatives from the European Commission, the European Parliament, and national administrations.

During the 3-day conference, experts from all over the world discussed the latest trends in a wide range of energy storage technologies, compared business cases, and assessed regulatory issues across segments and countries.

Dr Zucker, Scientific/Technical Projects Officer at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Mr Clerens, Secretary General of EASE, and Mr Raadschelders, Vice-President of EASE, summarised the main conclusions of the conference as follows:

  • The speakers unanimously agreed that energy storage will play a vital role in the future energy system which is undergoing important changes right now. Energy storage technologies are rapidly developing and are already commercially viable for a number of applications. It is now time for policymakers to catch up with these developments and create an enabling regulatory environment.
  • Defining ‘energy storage’ in the upcoming Energy Market Design legislation is, therefore, a top priority to clarify its role in the energy system and to increase investor confidence.
  • The Energy Market Design regulation also needs to address a number of barriers hampering the deployment of energy storage in Europe, such as undue tariffs and double-taxing of energy storage devices, unclear rules around the ownership of energy storage, and non-market based provision of ancillary services.
  • European policies for R&D in energy storage are using the right tools, but more funding is needed to reach the full potential of each energy storage technology, support continued upscaling and cost reductions, and encourage the emergence of new technologies in which European industries could become globally competitive.
  • The continued cooperation of all different stakeholders including industry, utilities and regulators is vitally important to implement storage successfully as a value-adding element in the future energy system.


Mr Maroš Šefčovič, Vice President of the European Commission in charge of Energy Union


Mr Dominique Ristori, Director-General for Energy at the European Commission

Ms Andreea Strachinescu, Head of Unit New Energy Technologies and Innovation in the Directorate General for Energy

Mr Michel Matheu, Head of Strategy in the European Affairs Division of Electricité de France (EDF)

Mr Matt Roberts, Executive Director of the Energy Storage Association (ESA)


02.04.2020 / MEMBERS

Welcome on board Aarhus University!

The European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) is glad to extend a warm welcome to its newest member Aarhus University – who joined EASE in February 2020.

26.10.2018 /

ESGC 2018

ESGC 2018

The Energy Storage Global Conference 2018 officially closed its doors on 26 October 2018 after three intensive days of discussions on energy storage technologies, policy, and markets. The ESGC 2018 confirms the success of the previous two editions thanks to the involvement of over 300 participants from all around the world, as well as 75 speakers and 16 exhibitors.

Mr Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of the Energy Union, kicked off the Energy Storage Global Conference on 24 October 2018 by highlighting the role of energy storage as a critical link in the chain of the entire energy transition and modernisation of the European economy. During an interview with Mr Patrick Clerens, EASE Secretary General, the Vice-President also stressed the importance of large-scale deployment of energy storage to support the rapid decarbonisation of the energy system as required by the Paris Agreement.

The first day of the conference focused on the many different energy storage technologies that are being developed and deployed around the world. Speakers and participants explored the challenges and opportunities associated with each technology, and the immense value for the energy system of having a wide range of energy storage technologies available.

On day two, the conference focused on how to shape a better legislative and regulatory framework for storage, taking into account the rapid technological transformations. Speakers and panellists debated the European and the international perspective on energy storage policy and energy market design, and issues such the role of regulated entities in energy storage and the links between storage and clean mobility.

The final day of the conference was dedicated to exploring the economic viability of energy storage projects, the different revenue streams available to storage, and the barriers faced by different actors interested in financing or developing storage projects.

The three-day conference underlined that rapid technological change requires a shift in mindset when it comes to designing an enabling policy framework for energy storage and to ensuring a robust business case for storage.

02.04.2020 / MEMBERS

Welcome on board Aarhus University!

The European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) is glad to extend a warm welcome to its newest member Aarhus University – who joined EASE in February 2020.